PS Plus on PS5: Will the PlayStation 5 have PS Plus? PS Plus changes, games, price

As PS Plus reaches its 10th anniversary since it was introduced on the PlayStation 3, fans are looking ahead to the next-gen of consoles and wondering what changes, if any, the subscription service will go through on the PS5.

PS Plus is Sony's answer to Xbox Live. It is a subscription-based service that grants its users access to online multiplayer and two free games each month.

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If you're wondering if PS Plus will continue into the next-gen of consoles, we've got all the information you need, and will update this article when news breaks!

Will PS Plus come to the PS5?

During the PS5 reveal event, we got official confirmation of PS Plus working on the PS5, with it being a requirement for the upcoming relaunch of GTA V on the next-gen console.

This means that, as expected, PS Plus will be required to play PS5 games online.

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Will PS Plus carry over from PS4 to PS5?

In its current form, your PS Plus subscription works across all PlayStation platforms, including the PS3 and PS Vita.

This suggests that unless PS Plus goes through a massive overhaul, your subscription will continue over to the PS5 if you bought a 12-month membership, for example.

How much will PS Plus cost?

As mentioned above, PS Plus is a service that works across all platforms, meaning the cost will have to be consistent across all console generations.

Unless Sony plan to increase the price of PS Plus for PS4 users, we can see the price of PS Plus remaining the same, costing around £50 a year.

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There may be an opportunity to make a second tier of PS Plus (Hopefully called PS Plus+) available for PS5 users that may grant them exclusive access to other PS Plus features or offers, but this is all speculation at the moment.

What games will PS Plus include on the PS5?

One of the most enticing features of PS Plus is its offer of two free games every month. Over the past few months, we've seen PS Plus subscribers given Star Wars: Battlefront II, Uncharted 4, and Cities: Skylines for free.

However, we wouldn't expect these free games to include and next-gen titles for at least a year. PS Plus will likely include some of the PS4's greatest hits, and it wouldn't be a surprise if Horizon Zero Dawnor even Spider-Man PS4 made its way onto the service before their sequels drop onto the PS5.

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Will PS4 users still get free games?

Sony has confirmed they will continue to support the PS4 after the launch of the PS5, and as the PS3 continued to receive free PS Plus games for over five years after the PS4 launched, PS4 owners should continue to receive free games.

However, the quality of these free games may start to swiftly decline, especially as new releases abandon the PS4 to make use of the power the next-gen consoles boast.

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