Pokemon GO gets even greedier with Remote Raid Pass price increase

pokemon go remote raid pass price increase
Credit: The Pokémon Company

pokemon go remote raid pass price increase
Credit: The Pokémon Company

Pokémon GO continues the trend of infuriating its fanbase by increasing the price of Remote Raid passes. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the free-to-play game is also limiting the amount of Remote Raids players can take part in daily, causing even more frustration.

Niantic claims that the Remote Raids weren’t supposed to be this prominent in GO, which is why the price hike was mandated. Fans will now have to pay 195 PokéCoins for one Remote Raid Pass, which used to cost100 PokéCoins. The three-pack Remote Raid Pass will now cost 525 PokéCoins when it used to be 300.

“We plan to keep Remote Raid Passes as part of Pokémon Go,” the developer said in a blog post. “However, we believe this change is necessary for the long-term health of the game, and we do not make it lightly. We feel this is a necessary step toward our goal of preserving and improving the unique experience of playing Pokémon Go—a game we hope you continue to enjoy long into the future.”

Despite what Niantic claims, many are saying that this is a completely unnecessary move since they already have to use real money to get PokéCoins. Though some Remote Raid Passes will be given as a reward for Research Breakthroughs, this is still seen as an incredibly negative move altogether.

Fans have been turning on Pokémon GO ever for a while now, with many hating the bigger emphasis on paid events and microtransactions. It went from a fun mobile game to a pay-to-win affair, or should we say pay-to-catch, that many gamers hate. At one point, numerous fans stormed an in-person event that was only supposed to have paid ticket buyers.

Even with all of these complaints, it doesn’t look like anything major will change unless a major drop in their finances happen. Considering how the game brings in millions of dollars yearly, that won’t be happening anytime soon.

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Pokémon GO is available now on iOS and Android.