Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 3 gameplay leaked online

plants vs zombies garden warfare 3 leaked a bunch of plants and zombies in costumes pose onscreen
Credit: EA

plants vs zombies garden warfare 3 leaked a bunch of plants and zombies in costumes pose onscreen
Credit: EA

Plants vs Zombies is one of Popcap’s most beloved series, despite not having a major game release since 2019’s Battle for Neighborville. While we wait for a new installment, some leaked footage of a cancelled Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 recently made its way online.

Fans will notice that this is very early gameplay, so models aren’t complete and there are no colorful backgrounds to ogle at. It also looks like some features from Battle for Neighborville would have been added, since that was the most recent game in the series.

Considering how popular the franchise continues to be, it wouldn’t surprise us if a new Plants vs Zombies gets announced soon. Unfortunately, it’s hard to say if that title is going to be Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 or something else entirely, as no official announcement has been made.

Twitter user Jay recently discovered some leaked footage of Garden Warfare 3, though there isn’t much to see. As mentioned previously, most of the assets are incomplete, so the game was clearly in early development before anything major was planned.

Many fans think this is early footage of Battle for Neighborville since it uses the same models from that game. However, it’s common to re-use models from previous games during early development and this is likely the case with the footage here.

EA hasn’t really discussed anything about a new Plants vs Zombies game lately, though most of them are readily available to play. This is likely due to the poor sales that Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville got, even though that game had a good amount of fans.

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Until an actual reveal is shown, we’ll have to wait and see if Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 will actually get an announcement. In the meantime, players can get Garden Warfare 2 or Batte for Neighborville on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.