Planet Zoo: Console Edition releases soon, but you’ll have to buy all that DLC again

A Planet Zoo: Console Edition screenshot of a zoo keeper and a lemur holding a controller

A Planet Zoo: Console Edition screenshot of a zoo keeper and a lemur holding a controller

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Frontier’s brilliant Zoo Tycoon successor Planet Zoo is making its way to Xbox and PlayStation. Following the release of Planet Coaster on console, the awesome zoo builder is also coming to the living room.

Revealed in a press release by Frontier, alongside a new trailer, Planet Zoo: Console Edition is coming to Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 on March 26, 2024. The game isn’t coming to the last-gen Xbox One and PS4 consoles.

Launching at a suggested retail price of £39.99 / $49.99 / €49.99, the new console port will include four years worth of free updates that have come to the PC version. However, the game’s paid expansions will not be included with the upcoming console port.

Instead, Frontier is offering a Deluxe Edition for £49.99 / $59.99 / €59.99. This version adds 16 animals alongside two scenarios, adding the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and rich, vibrant wetlands. Furthermore, an Ultimate Edition includes all Deluxe for £99.99 / $119.99 / €119.99 comes with a season pass that gives access to 14 future DLCs on the console port.

The console port won’t be entirely disconnected from the game’s PC original. Fans will be able to access the cross-platform Frontier Workshop to download habitats, scenery, and even whole zoos created by other players.

To work on console, Frontier has rebuilt the game’s controls from scratch, similar to its work with the console port of Planet Coaster. This means that you will be able to control everything with a simple selection of context sensitive menus, making everything you could do with a keyboard and mouse possible with your Xbox or PlayStation controller.

Judging from the quality of Planet Coaster on Xbox and PlayStation, we fully expect Planet Zoo to be a great time on console. Hopefully, the game’s performance won’t be an issue this time.

Frontier’s Planet Zoo: Console Edition launches on March 29, 2024 for Xbox Series and PS5. Players who pre-order now will receive three exclusive animals: the Pygmy Hippopotamus, Komodo Dragon, and Thomson’s Gazelle.