Photoshop Generative AI fill is the stuff of nightmares

Photoshop Generative AI fill is the stuff of nightmares man with ruined face

Photoshop Generative AI fill is the stuff of nightmares man with ruined face

Adobe’s new Photoshop Generative Fill AI has been introduced in a beta update, allowing users to add AI-generated images to extend image canvases and also to modify them with prompts.

The results, so far, seem to be quite interesting, with some images ending up being improved, while others are just nightmarish.

The new update for Photoshop contains a new beta feature, allowing users to use a generative fill, powered by AI. The new feature can be used to both extend the canvas of an image, say to transform a 4:3 image in a 16:9 one, but also in more creative ways.

The tool is now sitting alongside all the classic Photoshop tools, such as the square selection and the lasso one. The user can combine the tools together with AI generative fill, to also receive help during certain tasks. But, as we anticipated, that's not all.

By using a prompt, the user can suggest to Photoshop how to modify the image. For example "add people behind me in the photo" or "put a hat on the man's head". Still, while with the extended canvas things seem to be working out well, the AI prompts are definitely giving out some quite more disturbing results.

Photoshop Generative AI fill is the stuff of nightmares hat on a man's head
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For basic uses, the tool seems to be working quite well. For example if you are looking for the classic "removing people from your otherwise beautiful landscape image", the AI seems to be doing the right job. Sure, it might slightly modify that landscape, but it usually does not ruin the image altogether or add nightmarish details that will lead to sleepless nights.

But, once you switch to the prompts, then things get disquieting. A Twitter user tried to ask the AI to add people in the background to his gym selfie and, while Photoshop did exactly that, all the individuals in the photo have distorted faces and barely human features.

Adobe Generative ai fill stuff of nightmares gym selfie
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While you can definitely trust the new Photoshop AI tool to fix some mistakes in your photo, so far, we wouldn't recommend just letting it run wild on your precious little memories. Unless you're really looking to spice up those family vacation pictures with that sweet Cronenberg touch.