Are Payday 3 servers down? Matchmaking error, downtime, more

Payday 3
Credit: Starbreeze Studios

Payday 3
Credit: Starbreeze Studios
Update September 22: The launch of Payday 3 has not been without it's issues, with many reporting that they can't accessing the matchmaking services.

Itā€™s been a decade waiting for the next instalment of the popular Payday franchise, developed by Starbreeze Studios. Payday 3 is now available after its global launch on September 21.

However, the launch hasn't been without its issues, with many reporting being unable to accessing the matchmaking services, with some receiving the Nebula Data Error message.

Are the Payday 3 servers down?

At this moment in time, many players are unable to access Payday 3, specifically the online matchmaking system.

These issues have been recognized by the developers, At approximately 7.30 pm GMT, the developers stated, via Twitter, that they were "working on the current matchmaking service outage" and were hoping to have the issues resolved soon.

Those issues remain however, and seem to be getting worse.

These issues appear to be affecting users on all platforms.

Unfortunately, If you are experiencing these issues, the only thing you can do is wait, and take some solace in the fact that the dev team is actively working on them.

You can keep an eye out on the official Payday Twitter account for updates.

Nebula Login Issue

One known issue during the Payday 3 Beta was the message - ā€œNebula data error. Failed to fetch game config data.ā€ Over on Steam, a solution has been posted that gives players the advice to log in with their Nebula accounts without linking to Steam, followed by a restart of the game. Keep this information at hand if it returns during the full launch.

Linking your Steam account after logging in using this method has proved successful if you are struggling to get Payday 3 beta loaded, although this isn't 100% guaranteed to work.

For more content, check out the Payday 3 roadmap unveiled by Starbreeze Studios.

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