Master Chief actor Pablo Schreiber was in talks to play MCU Wolverine

American Gods star Pablo Schreiber is the star of Paramount's just-released Halo TV show, playing the role of Master Chief. However, Schreiber has revealed that he was set to play another gruff-voiced hero: Wolverine.

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues its massive expansion, the decade-long movie franchise is introducing new characters. With the first wave of heroes moving on, the MCU will soon be introducing the likes of the Fantastic Four, X-Men and more. But who will play these characters?

Pablo Schreiber as Wolverine

During the latest episode of The Bingeworthy podcast, Halo star Pablo Schreiber met with Marvel to discuss the creation of the MCU’s X-Men. As the team requires a large number of talented actors, it would appear the company is working on creating that team as early as possible.

Schreiber revealed that he met with Marvel for multiple roles over the years. However, none of the conversations with the studio ever worked out. The actor explained that they had “never been able to find the right thing at the right time”.

During the podcast, the Halo actor was asked if he would be interested in playing Wolverine. Schreiber explained that the adamantium-clawed mutant is his favourite superhero, and he would love the opportunity to play him. When asked if he would play the character, he said:

“Oh goodness yeah, well we flirted with that one for a while. That'd be fantastic, that would certainly be a dream casting. He's actually my favorite hero, from a child he was always my favorite comic book. So I've had a long flirtation with that guy, so you know obviously that'd be a dream."

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Living up to Hugh Jackman

Pablo Schreiber would likely make for an excellent Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there’s one issue. For the past two decades, Wolverine has been played by just one actor: Hugh Jackman. And he has done an amazing job.

Jackman is the face of Wolverine, so much so that many people can't even imagine the character without him. However, Marvel will be introducing a new actor for the character, and fans will have to learn to deal with the change.

Unlike Spider-Man, who has been played by multiple actors over the decades, Wolverine has only had one. This means that any actor taking on the role will be met with incredible pressure from Marvel fans.

Pablo Schreiber explained that, if he got the role, he wouldn't be looking to replace Jackman. Nevertheless, he's not going to throw away everything just to play Wolverine. Instead, he wants to remain open to roles.

"No eggs in any baskets, just stay open and keep working, and keep trying to elevate everything that I'm in,” the actor said.