Oculus Quest: How to fix A Stuck Pixel

The Oculus Quest headset is obviously equipped with a screen where you can see the VR experience in all its glory. Sometimes however, we can't get hold of some errors, including the stuck pixel issue.

Unfortunately, it may be a challenge to fix it, or even an impossible one.

However, it may also be reasonable enough to attain a replacement. Even crossing your fingers that your next replacement won't have issues anymore.

With that, here's how to fix stuck pixel on your Oculus Quest.

Fix a stuck pixel on the Oculus Quest by replacing it

That is the most standardized way on how to deal with this issue.

As of now, there is no certain way how to fix and be rid of a stuck pixel on your Oculus Quest headset.

For those unaware of what a stuck pixel looks like, it can be either a red, green, or blue dent but placed inside your headset's inner screen.

The best way to have it fixed is by having it totally replaced with a new unit. Consult the retailer where you bought it to get it replaced right away.

READ MORE: How to log out of Facebook on Oculus Quest

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How to fix a dead pixel

If there's a stuck pixel, then there's also the dead pixel issue.

The difference is that you can see it as a black dent inside your screen. And fortunately, when you would experience this, there is a way how to do fix it.

The official Oculus support page lists that you should download the UD Pixel app to have you fix the dead pixel on your Oculus Quest.

You can obtain it here.

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