How to Get Runes in No Rest for the Wicked

No Rest for the Wicked screenshot
Credit: Moon Studios

No Rest for the Wicked screenshot
Credit: Moon Studios

If you want to increase your odds of survival in the brutal environment, you'll want to know how to get runes in No Rest for the Wicked.

Enemies lurk at every turn in No Rest for the Wicked, so be sure to capitalize on any edge you can find. Any weapon may be enough to take down the first waves of enemies early on in the game, but enhancing it with runes will make it even more potent.

Runes within No Rest For The Wicked function akin to weapon skills, and most weapons come pre-equipped with them. But numerous weapons still offer room for additional attachments, so make them work to change the game in a difficult battle or even bring it to an end.

How to Get Runes in No Rest for the Wicked

In much the same way as obtaining the Western Bridge key, you can't get your hands on any Runes until you've braved Warrick the Torn to unlock the Sacrament.

That's because you can acquire Runes by paying a visit to Eleanor in that city, just a short jaunt from the Forge. She guides the enchantment and infusion of your gear throughout the Sacrament. Runes can be used in more ways now, but you still have only one option to obtain them.

No Rest for the Wicked screenshot
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Switch to the Rune tab while chatting with Eleanor to apply a Rune to a weapon or detach one from it. Eleanor rates her Runes at one to two silver pieces apiece.

If you're eyeing one for purchase, you should double-check that your weapon includes an empty Rune slot to equip Runes. Once everything is sorted, select the Rune tab within Eleanor's menus to slot it into the weapon you've decided to settle on. You can also remove default Runes using the same approach, and then they will be stored in your inventory.

No Rest for the Wicked screenshot
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Credit: Moon Studios

Even though it's possible to remove any default Runes from a weapon, this action may end up wrecking the weapon. If those Runes are only meant for that specific type of weapon, they cannot be transferred to other types such as (but not limited to) Crushing Flurry, Dual Breaker, and Juggle Strike.

You can also do so with one Rune per weapon, so think it through. Press and hold the right trigger on the controller to select the compatible Rune for use in combat encounters.

No Rest for the Wicked screenshot
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Credit: Moon Studios

If you're using a mouse and keyboard setup, press keys 1 to 4 as needed. There's also a number that reveals how much Focus you'll need to use each Rune.

You have the option to acquire any of the five Runes in No Rest for the Wicked. Pulse of Health works as a slow-healing enchantment, whereas Heal Aura heals twice as much at once. Channel is a charged spell, while repair, as its name suggests, is used for repairing items. Lastly, and certainly the least costly, is the return spell, which teleports you to the last checkpoint.

That's everything there is to know about how to get Runes in No Rest for the Wicked and how to use them effectively. If you're gearing up for an adventure in No Rest for the Wicked, refer to our in-depth walkthrough for The Innkeeper's Husband Quest.