Nintendo Switch Pro may have exclusive games, according to insider

The fabled Nintendo Switch Pro has recently hit the headlines following rumours it will feature a 7-inch, 720p OLED screen.

This is the latest in a line of reports about an alleged Switch upgrade, including suggestions the console could support DLSS and 4K when docked. While Nintendo has yet to confirm or deny such reports, it appears to have opened the floodgates for further rumours.

Here's the latest rumour about the Nintendo Switch Pro, that might tempt some Nintendo Switch owners to make the 'switch' to the upgraded model.

Nintendo Switch Pro exclusives

According to industry insider NateDrake, the Switch pro could receive several exclusive games, particularly from third-party developers.

Writing on a ResetEra thread discussing the Switch Pro's alleged OLED screen, NateDrake said. "There will be some select exclusives, especially from third-party partners. May not be a big number of them, but I know of at least one."

The insider did not disclose which game may launch exclusively on the Switch Pro. With fans begging for titles such as Final Fantasy VII Remakeand Persona 5 to come to the Nintendo console, a Switch Pro may be the only way for this to happen.

READ MORE: No, the Nintendo Switch Pro’s 720p resolution isn’t a problem

Could the Switch Pro actually have exclusives?

As with all Switch Pro rumours, we should be sceptical of fully backing them before official confirmation from Nintendo.

However, if we dive deeper into what this could mean, the panic could subside from those fearing they might miss out on Breath of the Wild 2. Given the reference to "third-party developers", it is likely the insider has heard from a studio outside Nintendo that it is currently developing exclusively for the Switch Pro, alongside other consoles.

This would make sense. The Nintendo Switch's hardware capabilities were already mediocre when the console first launched in 2017. Four years on, developers may struggle to port their next-gen focused titles to the Switch.

As one ResetEra member commented: "If a game borderline can't run acceptably on the base Switch hardware, I imagine it'd just land exclusively on the revision."

However, what this could also mean is that Nintendo will ensure all of its first-party titles - Breath of the Wild 2, Metroid Prime 4, Splatoon 3 and whatever 3D Mario game comes next - will run on both the Switch Pro and base Nintendo Switch.

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