Nintendo Switch 2 won’t press restart on emulators like past consoles

nintendo switch 2 wont press restart on emulators
Credit: Nintendo

nintendo switch 2 wont press restart on emulators
Credit: Nintendo

It looks like the Nintendo Switch 2, or whatever it gets called, will be keeping all of the retro games from the first console’s online service. After generations of wiping the slate clean with each new console, the emulation found in Nintendo Switch Online will be available on the upcoming console.

A fan on Reddit brought up how the CMA might have revealed that the next Switch might carry over Nintendo Switch Online (NSO) and its emulators. Should this be true, NSO and NSO + Expansion Pack users will be able to keep all of the NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy, and Game Boy Advance titles.

Considering how the Wii U and 3DS never shared an eShop, this would be a huge deal if the Nintendo Switch 2 keeps NSO as it is. Older Nintendo fans still remember how much it stung to buy older games like Earthbound on Wii U and buy them again on 3DS if they wanted them on handheld. If the Switch 2 does keep NSO, fans won’t have to get Earthbound again, which is great.

Knowing that the Nintendo Switch 2 might keep the same eShop gives fans hope for good backwards compatibility. After all, the Switch sold so many copies and games that it would be a shame if the successor doesn’t play any of them, physically or digitally.

Nintendo has yet to confirm if a follow-up to the Switch will be coming, though the CMA may have spoiled that. While the general public is fine with what the Switch offers, many hardcore gamers have been begging for an upgrade to the ageing hardware. Hopefully, we get news on this soon, especially since we don’t have too many exclusives coming to the system this year.

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Despite the system showing its age, there’s still a decent reason to get the Switch before a possible Switch 2 comes out. Games like Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Mario Odyssey, and more are worth your time.