How to use text chat in Nightingale

Nightingale player holding gun with glowing portal in background
Credit: Inflexion Games

Nightingale player holding gun with glowing portal in background
Credit: Inflexion Games

Knowing how to use text chat in Nightingale is particularly useful if you're looking to communicate with other players.

Although there is plenty of voice chat software such as Discord, some Nightingale players may prefer an alternative method of communication while making their way through the Realms. Thankfully, Inflexion Games' open-world survival title allows players to communicate through the in-game text chat. Unfortunately, it's tricky to access when loading into the game for the first time.

Before we take a closer look at how to use Nightingale text chat, check out our other guides revealing how to get the Antiquarian card and how to upgrade your gear score.

How to use Nightingale text chat

Before you can start chatting to your friends, you must finish the tutorial which features three visits to a Forest biome, Desert biome, and a Swamp biome. Once complete, you have the ability to choose which biome you start your journey and you can start to form parties with other players.

You don't necessarily have to be part of a party to utilise Nightingale text chat but it doesn't unlock until the tutorial is finished. To open the text box, press T on the keyboard.

In some cases, opening the text box will stop you from moving until you left-click on another area of the screen. When the text box is on the screen, you may not be able to type. Thankfully, there's a handy workaround. To stop the lack of typing, left-click on the mail icon above the chat box to restore the cursor and start typing your messages. Press enter when finished to send the message.

After clicking on the mailbox icon, you won't have to repeat the process, meaning you can simply hit T or Enter to communicate with other players.

There you have it, that's how to use Nightingale text chat. For more useful guides, head over to our dedicated page for all your PC gaming needs.