How to craft Slingbow Ammo in Nightingale

nightingale slingbow aimed at enemies
Credit: Inflexion Games

nightingale slingbow aimed at enemies
Credit: Inflexion Games

The early game in Nightingale can be brutal, with enemies ready to kill you at a moment's notice. You might want to try some of these encounters from a distance with a safer ranged weapon. The Slingbow is one of the best early-game weapons in Nightingale. as long as you know how to craft Slingbow Ammo.

While the process to acquire Slingbow Ammo is fairly straightforward, Nightingale does not provide you with much guidance on how to do it. So let's go over the basics of ammo crafting in Nightingale by starting off with crafting Slingbow Ammo in Nightingale.

Also, learn how to repair your items and fix the shards error in Nightingale in our other guides.

How to craft Nightingale Slingbow Ammo

You can craft Slingbow Ammo from the Simple Crafting Bench. However, it's called Simple Rock Marble. You can craft 20 Simple Rock Marbles with 60 Crude Rocks. This Slingbow Ammo recipe will take 25 seconds to finish crafting. Once complete. you can collect your Rock Marbles.

Now you can bring up your Slingbow once more. and you will still see the 'Empty' warning. Press the 'R' key. and your character will pull back the drawstring and reload the Slingbow with one Simple Rock Marble. You can keep track of the number of Simple Rock Marbles in your inventory from the bottom right of the screen.

Crude Rocks are also quite easy to find, and you can find them lying around on the ground in most biomes. We suggest stocking up on lots of Simple Rock Marbles in one go whenever you need Slingbow Ammo. As the game progresses, you'll unlock new types of ammunition that require higher tiers of Crafting Benches to produce. However, the overall process of crafting ammo will remain the same.

That's all you need to know on how to craft Slingbow Ammo in Nightingale. You should also learn how to use the text chat and how to upgrade your gear score.