Nightdive wants to remaster Unreal

nightdive wants to remaster unreal
Credit: Epic Games/Lightning_Hunter (Mod DB)

nightdive wants to remaster unreal
Credit: Epic Games/Lightning_Hunter (Mod DB)

Nightdive Studios recently did a remarkable job remastering Quake 2 and fans want to know what’s next. While the company hasn’t officially outlined their next project, they recently showed interest in remastering Unreal, another classic FPS.

This all started when Cliff “Cliffy B” Bleszinski asked Nightdive when they would work on an Unreal remaster on Twitter. Stephen Kick, the CEO of Nightdive, commended Bleszinski before tagging Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney about potentially working on an Unreal remaster.

“It should be known @therealcliffyb stuck his neck out for us and we gave it a real go. @TimSweeneyEpic we'd be honored to be the care takers of Unreal, you've seen what we've done with DOOM & Quake, it'd be in good hands @NightdiveStudio,” Kick said on Twitter.

As Kick says, Nightdive has done incredible jobs with remasters of DOOM and Quake. While the DOOM remasters initially struggled with forced logins, those were patched out.

Stephen Kick lobbies for an Unreal remaster.
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Credit: Stephen Kick/Cliff Bleszinski

Recently, they worked on the excellent Quake 2 Remastered, which impressed fans and critics alike. This re-release added 8-player multiplayer for Xbox Series and PC. On the single-player side, this version had all of the expansions and even added a new one.

Quake and DOOM aside, Nightdive also worked on the well-received System Shock remake. The remake came out on PC to glowing reviews for being a one-to-one retelling of the classic. Sadly, the console versions of this remake have been delayed indefinitely.

It will be interesting to see how Unreal gets remastered by Nightdive. Their work on DOOM and Quake shows that sharpening the old graphics while adding new content is a winning formula. However, fans also wouldn’t mind a prettier remake of the game built from the ground up.

Read More: System Shock remake devs want to make the first Tool video game

Only time will tell if Tim Sweeney listens to everyone about remastering a game like Unreal. At the least, it would be a huge Epic Games exclusive if Nightdive gets to tinker with it.