MW2 DirectX error - how to fix DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error

MW2 DirectX error - how to fix DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error

MW2 DirectX error - how to fix DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error

If you are having trouble getting back to killing enemies, because of the MW2 DirectX error, we can help.

Like any game, MW2 can encounter technical issues that can affect your gameplay experience. From the matchmaking error to the lobby not found error to Modern Warfare 2 lag, there are a lot of problems that can disrupt your gameplay experience.

In this article, we will walk you through some of the most effective solutions to fix the DirectX error in Modern Warfare 2.

How to fix MW2 DirectX error

Basically, what you want to do is check your PC to make sure everything is fine, especially regarding an overclocked videocard. But there are quite some more interesting fixes to try.

To make it easy for you, we have compiled these solutions into an organized and easy-to-read bullet list. Here are our troubleshooting tips to fix the MW2 DirectX error:

  • Make sure your GPU drivers are fully updated.
  • If your GPU is overclocked, try setting it back to its stock clock speed.
  • Similarly, reset your RAM to its stock speed if it's overclocked.
  • If the issue persists, test the RAM with TestMem5 to see if any errors pop up.

The MW2 DirectX error can be a frustrating issue for players trying to enjoy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on their PC. However, by following the solutions outlined in this article, you can resolve the issue and get back to playing the game smoothly.

What is Modern Warfare 2 DirectX error?

MW2 DirectX error is a quite common issue that may occur when playing the popular first-person shooter game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It appears as an error message that says something like "DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error."

The error returns an error code 0x887a0005 (0x887a0006) (6068) D, which is related to GPU and/or RAM instability. That means outdated or overclocked GPU drivers, or faulty or overclocked RAM is the reason for the MW2 DirectX error.

The DirectX error can prevent you from launching the game or cause Modern Warfare 2 to crash during gameplay, making it a frustrating issue for players. Fortunately, there are several solutions available to fix this error and get the game running smoothly again.

That is all we have for you on how to fix the DirectX error in Modern Warfare 2. We are sure you will find the quick fix you need to your problems.