Mozilla warns AI only helps the rich and powerful, and screws everyone else

Firefox company Mozilla has warned about the dangers of increasingly prominent artificial intelligence. The non-profit organisation released a report detailing how everyday people are going to be screwed over by AI.

Mozilla vs AI

As part of the 2022 Internet Health Report, the nonprofit warned that increased automation through AI is going to harm the everyday population.Ā Transcribed through CNET, the report explained numerous ways in which AI will endanger regular people.

In real life, over and over, the harms of AI disproportionately affect people who are not advantaged by global systems of power," said Mozilla researchers. "Amid the global rush to automate, we see grave dangers of discrimination and surveillance. We see an absence of transparency and accountability, and an overreliance on automation for decisions of huge consequence."

The non-profit organisation explained that the ongoing issues with AI seen unwilling to change. With many companies avoiding AI ethics in the development of new programs, the problems of AI are expected to be exacerbated.

For example, racist and sexist bias in AI models is still an issue, especially as more models are built off internet comments. Additionally, AI built recommendation systems are still more likely to promote propaganda across the board.

However, as Mozilla states, privacy is a massive issue for future AI. With data ripped from online users without their permission, nobody knows when or if their thoughts are building AI models.

Read More: Remembering Tay, Microsoftā€™s Overwhelmingly Racist AI

Regulation is required

In the report, Mozilla explained that heavy AI regulation is needed in order to create a safe future. With companies currently able to create AI as they see fit, there needs to be regulations in place that protects the general public from AI issues.

"Regulation can help set guardrails for innovation that diminish harm and enforce data privacy, user rights, and more," the companyā€™s AI researchers claimed.

However, even if Mozilla wants more regulation, it looks like AI regulation is a hard nut to crack. Even the White House has requested regulation on the matter, pushing an AI bill of rights to protect the public. Will it ever happen?

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