If your Modern Warfare 2 showcase operator is not working, you are not alone.
It appears plenty of players are unable to change their operator in the Modern Warfare 2 showcase. Most of the players are stuck with Fender, no matter what operator they select. Even the players who haven't unlocked Fender are stuck with Fender, which is bizarre.
We did some digging about the Modern Warfare 2 showcase operator not changing issue and we are going to share with you our findings. Let's get into it!
How to fix the Modern Warfare 2 showcase operator not working issue
As far as we're aware, there are no 100% working fixes to the Modern Warfare 2 showcase operator not working issue, as that part of the game is seemingly bugged. Only the developers can work on this, so you will need to wait until the bug is fixed.
The Modern Warfare 2 showcase operator not working issue is not mentioned on the official Trello, at the time of writing. That means the bug hasn't been acknowledged by Infinity Ward yet. So we recommend you report the bug here.
One person on Reddit claimed that they were able to change to Kelo without issues. If that's true, it is likely that only some of the operators are bugged. So try changing your operators and see if the Fender bug is gone.
Another person on Reddit shared that their operator changed to the "Green Beret chick" (Kelo, we presume) once they got into the game, although they picked Roze initially and it defaulted to Fender in the Lobby. So, get into the game and see if the operator changes.
Until the issue is patched, you can try switching your operator and see if anyone works. That's the only workaround we have for the Modern Warfare 2 showcase operator not working issue.
Why can't I change the operator in Modern Warfare 2?
As we mentioned above, probably a bug in the game code is the reason why you can't change the operator in Modern Warfare 2. Unlike the dev error 6036, it is not a PC-exclusive issue, as it has also been reported on Xbox and PlayStation as well.
It is not only the Modern Warfare 2 showcase that is broken; players are also having trouble changing the calling card and emblem, which is frustrating. Although the issue isn't as bad as Modern Warfare 2 crashing frequently and getting a permanent ban as a result, it's still frustrating.
Since Modern Warfare 2 is recently launched, bugs and issues are bound to come up. This is normal. We can expect the devs at Infinity Ward to address the issues promptly and make the game playable as well as enjoyable.
Speaking of making the game enjoyable, we have some tips to fix packet loss and high ping in Modern Warfare 2. Hope it helps!
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