Are Minecraft servers down? Find status and downtime

A Minecraft character riding a horse.

A Minecraft character riding a horse.

If you’re having a hard time logging into the extremely popular 3D sandbox game, you may be wondering, are Minecraft servers down? Checking on the Minecraft server status can help you determine what troubleshooting steps to take to start playing again.

Minecraft has managed to maintain its popularity for over a decade by growing and evolving through the years. However, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. In that time, players have experienced numerous issues such as the Internal Exception error and error code 2318.

So let’s go ahead and find out if Minecraft servers are down and figure out how soon you’ll be able to log back in to create new worlds.

Are Minecraft servers down?

As of November 13, 2023, Minecraft servers are operating as intended. There are currently no issues with the game being reported.

However, that doesn’t mean that you are safe from experiencing other problems that will keep you from playing. You can still run into errors such as the error code crossbow and error code pufferfish.

Minecraft doesn’t have a regular schedule for server maintenance, so make sure you check on its server status first when you encounter any of these issues.

How to check on Minecraft server status

When checking on the Minecraft server status, there are a few different methods you can try out. Let’s take a look at your options.

First off, you might want to look at the X pages for Minecraft and Mojang Status for any announcements. After that, you could pay a visit to sites like or to check on specific Minecraft servers.

And lastly, Down Detector is another site you can visit to check for any spikes in player reports about encountering issues in the 3D sandbox.

And that wraps up our guide on whether or not Minecraft servers are down. If you are experiencing issues when logging into Minecraft despite the servers running properly, you may want to look into error code 503 or the outdated server error.