Medieval: Total War cheats: Every cheat code and how to use them

We all have those games that we can’t help but go back to time and time again.

Whether that’s Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic or just Bubsy 3D, there’s always those collection of games that you revisit each year.

Case in point, the Total War games. By now there’s been over ten entries in the series since its debut in 2000, and there’s one entry that is still being played. That’s Medieval: Total War, released back in 2002.

It always helps to have the cheats at hand in case you want to play it in a different way than previous, so with that, here’s a list of all the cheats, and how to use them.

How to Use the Cheat Codes

When in ‘Campaign Mode’, you can activate these cheats at anytime, especially if you’re in the midst of an intense battle.

At any point, press  the ~ key, which will show the console.

This is where you can type in any cheat, or even a command like ‘Quit’, which will exit the game.

Once the console shows, you can then input the following cheats.

READ MORE: Total War; Arena: How to play outside of China.

Cheat Code List

These will be enabled right away; but if you wish to disable a cheat, simply type it in again.

  • Have a million Florins: .deadringer.
  • Iron for province: .viagra.
  • Add Morale: .bard.
  • Increased Command: .doctor.
  • Play as rebels: .conan.
  • Gold for province: .mefoundsomeau.
  • Silver for province: .mefoundsomeag.
  • Copper for province: .mefoundsomecu.
  • Full map: .matteosartori.
  • Speed up construction: worksundays.
  • Unlock all buildings and units: .badgerbunny.

There you have it; a list of all the cheats needed. Unlike other entries in Total War, there isn’t a trainer utility for this release, so you will have to make do with cheats.

READ MORE: Total War; Three Kingdoms; Every Cheat Code.