If you’re experiencing Madden 23 crashing issues, then read on because we've put together a handy guide to help you fix the problem.
Madden NFL 23 has finally come to the market and many people are excited to play the latest iteration of the Madden series. But it seems that not everyone is having fun with the game. While some people are complaining that Madden NFL 23 is crashing, others are plagued by lag in Madden 23.
Luckily, both issues can be fixed relatively easily. In this article, we are going to focus on fixing the Madden 23 crashing issue on PC, Xbox and PS5. Let’s go through all the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
How To Fix Madden 23 Crashing On PC
If you have had the experience of Madden 23 crashing, then we recommend you start by updating or reinstalling your video drivers. Also, make sure that all your software is fully updated. In many cases, this will resolve the issue. It's also important to make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for the game.
But just in case this doesn't work, there are some further steps you can try:
- Disable any third-party software you may have running alongside the game. Programs like Discord, RGB, or MSI Afterburner, or even overlay like GeForce Experience, Steam, or Origins.
- Don't overclock your GPU. While in theory overclocking can improve performance, it can also damage your graphics card.
- You may want to check the integrity of the game files, in case something got corrupted during the download and installation process.
- Turn on Vsync, if you don't already have it on.
- Lower your graphics settings.
- Perform a clean boot of your computer, before trying to play Madden 23.
If none of these fixes works, then reach out to EA for further help and advice. You can reach out to them on Twitter @EAHelp or send them a message through their support website.
How To Fix Madden 23 Crashing On Xbox
The crashing issues on Xbox usually happen when players attempt to play the Franchise Mode or Legacy Mode. It either crashes out to the Xbox dashboard or the Xbox system fully shuts down. Fortunately, the EA Madden 23 community manager has provided some fixes for you to try. Here you go!
- Go to Settings and then turn graphics from performance mode to image quality.
- Change the power-saving options to Instant-on mode.
- Close other running games or apps, (for Series X|S also close others running in quick resume)
- Remove any connected device, or additional USB's from the console then restart the Xbox and see if it solves the issue.
- Change DNS settings (You can use the public google DNS primary:, secondary:, unless there is a different DNS you would rather use)
- Clear Persistent Storage.
- Go to Settings > Select Device & Connections > Then Blue-Ray
- Select Persistent Storage > Clear Persistent Storage
- Try an alternate Mac address.
- Go to Settings > Select General > Then Network Settings
- Go to Advanced Settings > Alternate Mac address > Select Clear
- Select Restart
- Check for additional content
- Press the Xbox "X" button on your controller > Select My Games and Apps
- Under Games, scroll to your game and press Start
- Select Manage Game and add ons > Select Madden 23 (will show version) on the right (top choice of the three)
- Then Manage Installation on Xbox one > Should show additional downloads and files if needed
If none of the fixes seems to work, we recommend you contact EA for further help and advice. You can contact them on Twitter @EAHelp or send them a message through their support website.
- Read More: Will NBA 2K23 Be On Game Pass?
How To Fix Madden 23 Crashing On PS5
If you are experiencing Madden 23 Crashing on your PS5, then the solution is to clear your console cache. It's worth emphasising that doing so will not delete any of your saved data from the game. To clear the cache on your PS5, follow the steps below.
- Start by turning off the console fully. This means a proper switch-off, rather than using Rest Mode.
- Wait for twenty seconds or so, and then unplug the console from the mains power supply.
- Leave your PS5 unplugged for a couple of minutes.
- After this time has elapsed, plug the console back in, and power it up.
- Try relaunching Madden 23 to see whether the issue is resolved.
Hopefully, there Madden 23 crashing issue should be fixed. If this problem still exists, don't hesitate to report the issue to EA. Contact them on Twitter @EAHelp or send them a message through their support website.