What Is the Longest Snapchat Streak Ever?

An image of several Snapchat logos, one fire emoji and a crown over it to represent the Longest Snapchat Streak

An image of several Snapchat logos, one fire emoji and a crown over it to represent the Longest Snapchat Streak

If you’re someone who is keen on maintaining Snapstreaks for as long as possible, you’ve likely wondered at least once what the record is for the longest Snapchat streak. You may have also wondered how close you are to that record.

With the recent trend on TikTok where people showcase their Snapstreaks and claim theirs is the longest - often using photoshopped images - it has become challenging to discern what’s real. However, we’ve done the digging for you and uncovered the true record-holder for the longest Snapchat streak.

In this guide, we delve into the record for the longest Snapchat streak ever achieved. But, before that, learn how to see all your streaks on Snapchat, so you can see how close you are to the record. Also, learn how to recover your Snapstreak.

What Is the Longest Snapchat Streak Ever?

As of May 2024, Hannah and Lauren Luckey hold the record for the longest Snapchat streak, currently at 3,050 days and still ongoing. In case you’re wondering, that translates to over 8 years.

To put things into perspective, Snapstreak was introduced on April 6, 2015. As of May 20, 2024, that amounts to 3,332 days since its launch. It appears Hannah and Lauren started their streak shortly after the feature was introduced.

Considering Snapstreak was launched on April 6, 2015, the longest possible streak as of May 20, 2024, would be 3,332 days. So, be sceptical of any claims on TikTok boasting streaks of 6,000 or 13,000 days - they simply aren’t possible.

How Long Has Snapchat Been Around?

Snapchat was initially released in September 2011. As of May 2024, Snapchat has been around for nearly 13 years, totalling 4,626 days. Snapstreak was introduced to the platform about 3 years after Snapchat’s initial launch.

Considering Snapchat has only existed for about 4,626 days, any claims of Snapstreaks exceeding 6,000 days are completely unfounded. These claims are likely made on platforms like TikTok and Instagram for views and engagement.

Now that you know the record for the longest Snapchat streak, share in the comments how close you are to reaching it. We’re putting together a top list soon, and if you qualify, we’ll feature you. Just be ready to provide proof of your streak.