John Boyega would return to Star Wars as long as Abrams and Kennedy are involved

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ended the Disney trilogy with a whimper. Not only did the movie backtrack on decisions from the past film, but it failed to finish its own character arcs. One of these character arcs revolved around Finn, played by John Boyega.

In the last Star Wars movie, Finn constantly talks about having something to tell Rey. As it turns out, the character was supposed to reveal that he's Force sensitive, revealed by John Boyega and others after the movie’s release. But could we see the continuation of his character’s journey on screen?

John Boyega is willing to return to Star Wars

In an interview posted on Twitter, via FanthaTracks, Boyega revealed that he would be willing to play Finn again. However, the actor would only return if everyone was willing to come back. That includes director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy.

“So whichever way I'm looking for the conversation,” Boyega said. “As long as it's Cathy and JJ and maybe someone else and you know, if it's the the team then you know it was a no-brainer.”

Boyega has been vocal about the failings of the Disney trilogy in the past. However, he's also been clear that he doesn't blame Kathleen Kennedy or J.J. Abrams. As Disney wanted the final episode out quickly, it's clear that a lot of problems were caused as a result of a rushed and frantic development cycle.

Read More: J.J. Abrams finally admits he should've actually planned Star Wars

You're not gonna Disney+ Finn

Despite the actor's positive comments on returning to Star Wars, John Boyega has seemed wary of returning in the past. In a prior interview, the actor explained that his return would depend on the scale of the project. For example, he appeared unwilling to star in a Disney+ spin-off. However, the success of Disney's streaming service might have changed things.

When asked what it would it take for Boyega to do Finn again, the actor responded:

“In what? You ain't going to Disney Plus me.”

Read More: Stop blaming The Last Jedi for Rise of Skywalker's mistakes