Humane is Warning Customers to Not Charge Their AI Pin

A person holding the Humane AI Pin in their hand in front of the charging block and the charging case
Credit: Humane

A person holding the Humane AI Pin in their hand in front of the charging block and the charging case
Credit: Humane

Humane launched their debut product, the AI Pin, earlier this year, but it hasn't had a great start. Founded by ex-Apple employees in 2018, Humane released the heavily-invested AI Pin in April 2024 to negative reviews, with many citing issues with the technology, pricing, and the required subscription fee.

While most people use the best AI chatbots on their smartphones or stick with iOS 18 AI features once they arrive, Humane's AI Pin attempted to replace your mobile device. However, the $700 price tag and monthly subscription fee left it in a disappointing place.

Some people still decided to invest in Humane and bought the AI Pin, despite both the AI Pin and the similar Rabbit r1 being practically useless AI devices. Unfortunately, the small amount of people who do own Humane's latest device may want to stop using one accessory immediately.

The Verge shared that Humane is informing customers via email about an issue with the third-party cell in the charging case, stating it poses a fire safety risk. Humane is switching to a new vendor, and is disqualifying the existing vendor, but has not confirmed whether customers will get a replacement charging case. However, Humane said they will provide additional information soon.

"We are reaching out today to ask that you immediately stop using and charging your Charge Case Accessory due to an issue with certain battery cells for the Charge Case Accessory," the email reads, suggesting that the Humane AI Pin itself and other accessories aren't affected. "Our investigation determined that the battery supplier was no longer meeting our quality standards and that there is a potential that certain battery cells supplied by this vendor may pose a fire safety risk."

The company hasn't issued a public statement, either on its Twitter page or website, and the charging case is still available in the store. Admittedly, it's out of stock on the shop page, but there's no warning on the store listing.

This issue is another blow to Humane's public perception. The company has been on the defensive after scathing reviews about the AI Pin were published earlier this year. With ChatGPT 4o and Galaxy AI features providing AI on smartphones, it's no surprise people aren't willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a niche device. This battery issue will likely make potential buyers even more cautious.

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