HTC Vive: How to clean that foam inside the headset

Using a 'HTC Vive VR' headset use foam or a facial cushion to make your VR experience more comfortable. However it's not prone to dirt, so you have to make sure to clean it from time to time.

But it's not just the simple wiping or cleaning, you need to take note some important reminders.

It's a simple 5-minute task, and once you do it, you can then go back on using your headset again for Beat Saber, Star Trek Bridge Crew, or another VR game.

With that, here's how to clean foam on your HTC Vive VR headset.

Cleaning the foam on a HTC Vive

The official Vive support page mentions ways in how to clean foam on your HTC Vive.

In the guide, it's called the 'face cushion', so remove it first from the headset.

Once removed, clean the foam by gently using a smooth cloth lightly soaked with cold water. Wipe the area you need to clean, especially the dusty parts.

Make sure to do it somewhere that has dry air room temperature. Alongside this, don't scrub or use bleach on to it, you don't want to irritate your eyes; just plain cold water will do.

READ MORE: HTC Vive: How to turn on headset

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Replacing the foam

If there are instances where the foam is very dirty or it has some defects across the design, you may just prefer to replace it.

It's important to mention that it will be your responsibility to do it as it's not covered by the warranty. There are some available options you can use to replace the foam on your headset.

Check out one example right here on Amazon. Make sure to purchase one to immediately fix the foam on your HTC Vive and lead a clean gaming session.

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