Flickering on the HTC Vive headset may tend to cause irksome VR visuals that you may wish to not occur.
This is quite the opposite for blurry visuals, but one thing is common with both of those - they're both irritating.
However fixing it isn't be a problem at all. You just need to do a procedure and once done, you can get back with your smooth-sailing HTC Vive VR experience in no time.
With that, here's how to fix flickering visuals on your HTC Vive.
Turn off your HTC Vive
One way to fix the flickering visuals on your HTC Vive is to turn it off and on once again; the 'IT Crowd' problem-solver.
This is a method of rebooting your headset. This applies not just with the HTC Vive, but also on other VR headsets and devices as well.
Flickering visuals are forms of glitches and errors that is likely to occur, especially when unexpected errors are already in store for your headset.
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Difference between flickering and blurry visuals
Flickering visuals are different from blurry visuals.
Flickering visuals are characterized with some sort of unexpected blinking of lights that may seem like a camera flash making visuals on your headset almost unseen.
Blurry visuals on the other hand make visuals seem a transparent one - where it can range from a manageable to also an almost unseen state.
If you want to fix those blurry visuals, you may click here to do it.
READ MORE: HTC Vive: How to use the camera