PS5 Controller Input Lag: How To Test DualSense Latency And Fix Latency Issues On PS5

PS5 Controller Input Lag: How To Test DualSense Latency And Fix Latency Issues On PS5

PS5 Controller Input Lag: How To Test DualSense Latency And Fix Latency Issues On PS5

Every millisecond matters.

When it comes to winning or losing in a video game, the smallest delay can make a huge difference. So if you think that you are suffering from input lag, or experiencing latency issues on your PS5's DualSense controller, then we might be able to help.

If you think you missed out on that perfect headshot because your PS5 controller didn't respond in time, then here's what you can do to try to mitigate that.

What Is latency?

Latency is, in essence, that gap between you pressing your controller to perform a function, and your game then reflecting that input on the screen.

The higher the latency, the longer it takes for your game to respond to your commands. This is undesirable for pretty obvious reasons. It can make all the difference between winning and losing in a game.

How Do I Test Latency?

If you think you are having some problems with lag or latency on your PS5, you can run a speed test on your console. To do this:

Go to Settings > Network > Connection Status > Test Internet Connection.

Sony recommends a minimum download speed of 2 MB/s and an upload speed of 500KB/s in order to play online. So if you aren't achieving these speeds, that could be the cause of any latency issues you are experiencing.

How Do I Fix Controller Latency On The PS5?

So if you are suffering from lag, what can you actually do about it? Well, there are a few steps worth trying.

The first thing you should try is to refresh your network connection, just in case. It's a quick and easy fix, so well worth trying as an option. Disconnect from your network for a short while, then reconnect, and see if it has resolved your issue.

Another option if you're getting latency, is to make sure your PS5 isn't being overworked by background apps. Like any computer, the more apps you have running, the harder your PS5 is having to work. This can have an effect on your controller. The thinner it is spread, the more likely you are to suffer from latency.

To shut down any unnecessary apps, head to your Home Screen, hover over the app you want to close, press Options, and then press Close App.

Check Your Wi-Fi

In addition, it might be worth taking a closer look at your Wi-Fi, especially for online gaming.

Beyond that, it's worth making sure your internet connection is working by restarting your router. Also, if there are lots of devices connecting to your WiFi at once, this can also slow things down. So if possible, consider reducing the number of devices that are fighting over bandwidth.

Finally, if none of the above works, try using a wired connection rather than a wireless one, to see if this makes a difference.

Enable PS5 Performance Mode

Performance Mode is a setting available in a select number of games that allows for your game to be played at a higher frame rate. While this usually comes with a drop in visual fidelity, the sacrifice may be worth it due to the improved performance.

In Settings, select Saved Data and Game/App Settings, then Game Presets. From there, select Performance Mode or Resolution Mode and change the setting to Performance Mode.

Disable PS4 Tone Mapping

This option is specific to playing PS4 games on your PS5. Tone Mapping is a feature that converts your non-HDR games to HDR, which has been known to cause latency issues.

To disable this, go to Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output > HDR > Off.

Update the firmware

This is another relatively basic thing to try, but well worth doing. If your firmware is not up to date, it might be causing an issue, so double-check that the firmware on your PS5 and DualSense controller is fully up to date. If you have a smart TV, then check that the firmware is fully up to date on there as well.

If you are connected to the internet, then your PS5 should automatically update itself. But you can always double-check that you are fully updated here.

Could it be your TV?

One further thing to check is your TV setup. Some televisions have a dedicated Game Mode, with reduced latency settings. You can also check that any post-processing settings, which can slow things down, are switched off. It's also worth bearing in mind that the higher the refresh rate on your television, the lower the lag is likely to be. So a 120hz refresh rate will usually end up outperforming a 60hz refresh rate, for example.

Also, check that the HDMI cable you are using is in good condition and that the HDMI port you are using. Some TVs will have an HDMI port dedicated to gaming. If yours doesn't, then your best bet is to use HDMI port 1, which may be preset for gaming.

There are clearly a lot of ways that latency might be caused. So try giving these solutions a go, and hopefully, you will find you are no longer lagging behind.