Being an action-adventure survival game, Enshrouded boasts a wide range of armors for defense and one of them is is the Elder Armor. It's a powerful set of gear that boosts your mana regeneration and protection. So, this guide is all about how to get Enshrouded's Elder Armor.
The Elder Armor consists of five pieces: Hat, Gloves, Boots, Trousers, and Chest. Each piece has a maximum item level of 25, which means you need to be at least level 25 to equip them. If you want to grab this armor into the game, we will show you two ways to get the Elder Armor in Enshrouded.
By the way, if you want to know how to get Flint Arrows in Enshrouded, we've got just the guide for you. Also, feel free to take a look at how to unlock Hunter Vault chest in Enshrouded.
How to unlock Elder Armor in Enshrouded

The fastest way to get the Elder Armor is to farm a chest located at the edge of the Sun Temple, in the southwest corner of the map. The Sun Temple is a large and ancient structure that houses many secrets and dangers.
You will need to place a Flame Altar near the chest, so you can teleport there easily. A Flame Altar is a special item that allows you to create a portal to any location you have visited before. You can craft a Flame Altar using 10 Fire Essence and 5 Iron Ingots.
The chest will respawn every time you exit and re-enter the game, and it has a chance to drop a random piece of the Elder set. This method is tedious, but efficient. You can watch a video guide on how to do this here.

The alternative way to get the Elder Armor is to explore the area around the Scatterbone enemy camp, north of the Sun Temple. The Scatterbone camp is a fortified settlement of hostile creatures that will attack you on sight.
You will need to fight your way through the camp, and look for chests hidden in the towers and puzzles. These chests can also drop Elder set pieces, as well as other rare and valuable items. This method is more challenging and time-consuming, but it offers more variety and rewards.
That's everything you need to know to unlock fast travel in Enshrouded. Before you go, don't forget to check out how to get Enshrouded Metal Scraps. Also, here's a guide on how to craft Bronze Bars in Enshrouded to help you out.