How to fix PS5 Error Code NP-103107

While every console manufacturer wants to make the gaming experience as seamless as possible, unfortunately errors remain a part of the experience.

Some are impossible to fix by the end user, while others can potentially be sorted if you know what to do.

This error code is one example of the latter.

Read on for some tips on how to fix error code NP-103107.

Tell me about error code NP-103107

This is an error which seems to crop up when there is an issue with the server.

It is an indication that the server may be down, or undergoing maintenance.

But is there anything that we, the players, can do?

Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you get back to gaming.

How to fix error code NP-103107

Sony has acknowledged this error, and suggested checking the server status for failure and maintenance information.

If this is not the cause of the issue, then try the following:

Reset the Internet Connection Settings (found in Settings>Network>Settings) on your PlayStation 5 and try an internet connection test.

Turn off your router, wait for at least 5 minutes, then switch and back on.

If neither of these options work, then it could mean the line is "temporarily congested" so try again later.

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