Minecraft Connection Reset: How To Fix The "Internal Exception" Error In Minecraft

Minecraft The Wild - how to fix minecraft connection reset error
Credit: Mojang

Minecraft The Wild - how to fix minecraft connection reset error
Credit: Mojang

Players are complaining about experiencing a Minecraft connection reset error, which is ruining their gaming experience, rendering Minecraft virtually unplayable.

If this is happening to you, then you probably exactly how frustrating this issue is. And you may be struggling to find out why it keeps happening, and what you can do about it. This is where we step in.

We've put together this guide, to help explain what the issue is, and the potential fixes that might enable you to get past it. Let's get started.

How To Fix The "Internal Exception" Error In Minecraft

If you are encountering this error, we'd recommend trying the following troubleshooting steps:

  • If you've got Hamachi installed, or have previously had it and then deleted it, try the following:
    • Press theĀ Windows Key then typeĀ cmd. Right-click on Command Prompt and click Run as Adminstrator.
    • Type netsh interface tcp show global and press Enter.
    • If Receive-Side Scaling State is disabled, type netsh interface tcp set global rss=enabledĀ and press Enter.
    • If Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level is disabled, type netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normalĀ and press Enter.
    • Restart Minecraft and try loading the realm or server again.
  • You can also try disabling all VPNs, firewalls, antiviruses and Hamachi.
  • If you aren't using a VPN, some users have suggested that using a VPN has resolved the issue. So you may want to explore this option.
  • Changing your DNS servers has also worked for some players. To do this:
    • Open the Control Panel.
    • Click on Network and Internet.
    • Select View network status and tasks.
    • Click on Ethernet next to Connections.
    • Click on Properties.
    • Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
    • Select Use the following DNS server addresses.
    • Enter as your preferred DNS server.
    • Enter as your secondary DNS server.
    • Finally, restart your PC to let the changes take effect.
  • Try using an alternative internet connection. So if you are on WiFi, try using mobile data and see if this helps.
  • Reducing your render distance is another option that may help:
    • Open Minecraft and enter a single-player map.
    • Open the Options Menu by pressing Esc on your keyboard.
    • Go to Video Settings.
    • Reduce your Render Distance to 8 chunks or less.
    • Additionally, you might want to change your graphics to Fast, switch off Smooth Lighting, and reduce your Simulation Distance.
  • Another option is to try creating a new profile in the launcher. Go to Installations > New to do this.
  • Windows users have a further fix they can try:
    • Press the Windows Key, then type cmd.
      • Under Command Prompt, click Run as administrator.
      • Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
      • Next, type netsh int ip reset and press Enter.
      • Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
      • Next, type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
      • Finally, type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.

If none of the above steps works, then try contacting Minecraft Community Support for further advice and assistance.

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What Is The Minecraft Connection Reset Error?

Unlike many Minecraft errors, this one doesn't have a memorable name. You'll know you've encountered this error if you see the following message:

Internal Exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection Reset

It primarily seems to be affecting users on version 1.7 or above. When this appears, players are disconnected from the server, and are unable to play the game.

Given the range of potential fixes, it's clear that there are several possible causes for this error. Which makes it more difficult to pinpoint exactly why it might be happening in any particular case. It does seem to be primarily affecting Windows users. And there's even a suggestion that it may be linked to the installation of Hamachi (a hosted VPN service) - even if it has been subsequently deleted.

The good news though, is that there are also plenty of potential solutions. So work through the suggestions we outlined, as these will offer the best chance of you resolving the connection reset issue, and getting back into your chosen world.