How to fix error code 726e613d in NBA 2K20

Error codes come in all shapes, sizes, and myriad degrees of severity too. It's an incredibly frustrating time whenever they hit though, and without a proper fix, you'll find yourself sat in a heap of your own impotent rage.

Well, rather than getting angry, what if you tried to fix the problem instead? You're probably a couple of minutes away from turning your console into a frisbee, but there is another way.

They say a cool head in battle can overcome anything, so let's apply that to fixing these silly issues.

So, here's everything you need to know about error code 726e613d in NBA 2k20.

What is error code 726e613d in NBA 2k20

This error code seems to be centred around something to do with saving a new player in My Career. This is particularly annoying because it'll often occur just as you've spent three hours perfecting the look of your in-game avatar.

As this isn't a connectivity issue, it's not as simple as just turning something off and on again, and instead, you'll need to be a bit more creative with your fix here. So, here's what you need to do to correct this error.

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How to fix error code 726e613d in NBA 2k20

This issue is a real pain to correct, because there's no obvious cause. However, there is a fix.

Once you've booted up the game, head to your Options, then select Settings. Once in here, you have to choose 2K Account Email Address.

This bit is going to see a bit odd, but trust us. Now, delete your email address and leave it blank. Now that that's done, you want to save and quit.

Now, launch the game again, go to My Career, and then don't edit your players face. You'll be able to edit it later on, but this is the thing that seems to be causing this particular error.

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