Call of Duty: Warzone Dev Error 5573: How To Fix Warzone Dev Error Code 5573 on PS4 and PC

Call of Duty: Warzone Dev Error 5573: How To Fix Warzone Dev Error Code 5573 on PS4 and PC

Call of Duty: Warzone Dev Error 5573: How To Fix Warzone Dev Error Code 5573 on PS4 and PC

Are you suffering from Warzone Dev Error 5573 in Call of Duty and want to know how to fix it? You aren't alone.

Call of Duty is undoubtedly one of the most popular game series of its type, and so it has been unfortunate when large numbers of those fans have been hit by a variety of errors, such as Warzone Error Code Diver or the Warzone Packet Loss which have stopped them from enjoying this game.

One of the more frustrating errors to crop up recently has been Dev Error 5573. If you've been hit with this issue, and want to solve it, we've got you covered.

How To Fix Dev Error 5573 In Warzone

There have been a few different suggested fixes for Warzone Dev Error 5573. Let's take a look.

  • As with many tech-related problems, the first step is always to try to reboot your system. The classic "turn-it-off-and-then-on-again" should always be your first port of call.
  • Sometimes the issue might be caused if your software drivers are not fully up-to-date. So whether you are on PC or PS4, make sure that you regularly check for updates, and make sure everything is on its latest version.
  • In extreme cases, and if nothing else works, you might need to consider rebuilding your PS4 database. To do this:
    • Turn off your PS4.
    • Once it has powered down, press and hold the Power button until your console beeps twice.
    • Release the power button after the second beep.
    • Connect your controller with a USB cable, then press the PlayStation button.
    • In the Safe Mode menu, select Rebuild Database.
  • You can also consider deleting and reinstalling Warzone altogether.

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Other Possible Fixes For Warzone Dev Error 5573

Aside from these fixes, there are also several other things you can try for the Warzone Dev Error 5573.

Some users have reported that restarting shaders installation, and then changing to a different operator and skin has also resolved this issue.

  • To do this on your PC:
    • Go to Game Settings
    • Navigate to the Graphics tab
    • Select Restart Shader installation
    • Restart the game
  • As we mentioned above, some users have found that using a different Activision account gets around this error, and this is potentially a quicker and easier workaround for a lot of people.
  • And finally, if this error has been caused by the latest update for the game, then you may, unfortunately, need to sit tight until another patch is sent through.

These are a few of the possible causes of, and solutions for, Dev Error 5573. If you are unlucky enough to be affected, give these a try, and see how you get on.

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Why Do I Keep Getting Dev Error 5573 On Warzone?

Warzone Dev Error 5573 has been identified as happening most frequently on either PC or PS4. It is understood to be a fatal exception error. This means that when you get this error, the game essentially becomes unplayable.

Unfortunately, it also appears to be linked to new updates for the game being pushed through, so can't always be avoided. The error results in a disconnect or crash during online multiplayer,

In addition, some users have reported that switching to a different Activision account allows them to play the game, which suggests there is a link to individual user accounts. But so far, there does not appear to have been a clear explanation from the developers about why this is happening, and what causes it.

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