As a response to the global pandemic, in April 2020 Sony announced their first Play at Home event.
It offered PlayStation players Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and cult indie game Journey, for free.
On the 23rd of February 2021, Sonyofficially announced the Play at Home event for this year, which launched on March the 1st.
Read on, to find out what Play at Home 2021 is all about...
What is Sony's "Play at Home" Event?
Sony launched the Play at Home event to provide the PlayStation community with free content at the start of the global pandemic.
This year, they have announced a raft of games and other entertainment services for users to enjoy.
Content will be dropping at different times across a four month period, for customers to claim via digital download.
Keep reading if you want to discover what's already been announced, and how to stay informed.
How can I find out what is available?
A great way of keeping informed on the Play at Home event is by following the PlayStation Blog.
The blog will regularly announce additional information about the event, and any new releases.
You can also visit the Play at Home page here for further details.
It will tell you which games and entertainment offers are available, when they launch, and when the offers are due to expire.
Sony have also stated that further games will be added in the coming months, so are encouraging people to stay tuned for more news and updates.
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