You’ve been using your PC to its limits for a few months, and now you’ve got around 1GB left to store that last-minute video of winning a match as Kefla in Dragon Ball FighterZ.
But there’s a solution on its way! A 4TB hard drive is being delivered soon, but if you install it and it’s working as expected, what now?
You want to keep all the games you’ve got installed; you don’t want to download them all again, alongside risking your saves and clips.
With that, here’s a guide on how to transfer your libraries over to a new hard drive.
How to transfer libraries on Steam
First of all, go to your Settings screen.
Click on 'Downloads', and highlight the section where it shows your 'Steam Library Folders'.
Where there’s an ‘Add Library Folder’ option, select that and go to the directory in your new hard drive. You can create a folder and name it anything you want, such as ‘Steam Games’.
With this now complete, close Steam and move over the existing folder. Eventually everything should move across as expected.
How to transfer libraries on EA Origin
EA’s Origin service has exploded in the last few years, especially with Star Wars Battlefront 2 still receiving support since its launch over two years ago.
But these updates and the subsequent games that EA offers, especially on their Origin Access program, can fill up a hard drive very quickly.
Luckily, they’ve created a method of changing the location of downloaded games a breeze.
Open Origin and go to Application Settings, then Advanced.
Under ‘Downloaded Games’, click on ‘Change’, select a folder on your new hard drive, and press ‘OK’.
That’s it!
How to transfer libraries on Epic Games Launcher
Being the place where Fortnite is downloaded and maintained, it only makes sense to have your account for it in its own folder, and on a hard drive where it can be safely backed up when needed.
With each game in its own folder, we can copy Fortnite from the directory into the new hard drive. But have it in a ‘temp’ folder. This will be for later.
Once this is done, uninstall Fortnite.
Don’t worry, this is required and you won’t lose your data.
Go to the Epic Games Launcher, go to ‘Fortnite’ in your Library, and on the settings gear, select ‘Uninstall’.
Now, download it again!
But make sure the directory is on the new hard drive, and in a location where you want to have Fortnite stored.
Once the progress bar says ‘Installing’, press the ‘x’, and close the Epic Games Launcher.
With the backup of your existing Fortnite files, copy them into the directory of where the new Fortnite has been installed, and say ‘yes’ to overwrite all the files.
Now, launch Epic Games Launcher, and it will scan the Fortnite files.
After a period of time, it will complete, and you will have your content as it should, but now on your new hard drive!