How to connect a new controller to Xbox One: Link up your wireless controllers today

Bought yourself a shiny new controller for your Xbox One? You could be syncing up a second device for multiplayer gaming, or you might upgrading your current set-up with a swanky new controller – the recently released Elite Series 2, for example.

Or you could simply be replacing your existing controller because of wear, tear, or a particularly frustrating gaming session – too much button mashing, perhaps, or worse, an accidental wall throw.

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Whatever your reason for connecting a new controller to your Xbox One console, pairing the two devices is quick and easy. 

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So, here is everything you need to know to be able to connect your Xbox One controller.

How to connect a controller to Xbox One

Here are the simple steps you need to follow to connect a new controller to your Xbox One console:

  • Turn on your controller by pressing the Xbox button.
  • Press and release the small sync button on your console. (On the Xbox One X and Xbox One S, this is located on the front right, below the power button. On the original Xbox One, it’s on the side of the console, around the corner from the disc tray.)
  • Within 20 seconds, press and hold the small round sync button on the top middle of the controller until the Xbox button on the front flashes a few times (which means it’s in searching mode). 
  • Once the Xbox button stays lit, the controller is connected.

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What does this mean for you?

You can connect the controller to the console physically via a micro USB cable (or a USB-C connector if it’s an Elite Series 2 device), and it will automatically be recognised.

But, given the standard wireless capability of the official Xbox One controllers, it’s much less of a faff to simply connect the two directly – as outlined above.

It’s also worth noting that you can connect up to eight controllers to one Xbox One console.

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