How to clear cache on Xbox One

Consoles are becoming increasingly complicated and, as a result, figuring out why yours is running poorly is getting harder and harder to do. Sometimes, it's not too complicated, and you just need to clear cache on Xbox One.

The cache is where everything is saved to try and make your day-to-day browsing simpler. It's kind of like a temporary storage area that can end up getting a bit clogged up.

Caching also helps things load faster and run better, so it's not a bad thing inherently. The issue is when it gets too full up.

So, that's why you might want to know how to clear your cache on Xbox One.

How to clear cache on Xbox One

You'll be happy to know that this isn't a very complicated process, but it's also not a very elegant one either. Normally we'd make a joke about hammers or something, but don't do that.

  • Turn off your Xbox One using the power button
  • Wait for it to completely power down
  • Unplug the power cable from your Xbox One (rather than removing the plug itself from the wall)
  • Make a cup of tea/do a small dance/tell your cat to stop clawing the carpet/catch your toddler/wait a minute
  • Reconnect the power cord to the Xbox One
  • Wait for the light on the Power Brick to change to orange
  • Turn the Xbox One back on and it's all done

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When should you clear cache on Xbox One?

You can do this as often as you'd like, make it part of your morning routine if you really want to. Wake up, brush your teeth, shower, clear the cache on your Xbox One, make a tea, forget about it and drink it four hours later. You know, a solid routine.

It's probably a good idea to do this whenever you feel your Xbox One is getting a bit slower, it should help blow the cobwebs out. Sometimes it's worth doing that literally too, just in case the fans need cleaning.

Of course, it's also worth making sure you've checked the console itself too if you've put it somewhere too close to anything else the fans might have trouble keeping it cool and that can cause issues.

Ultimately doing these kinds of small maintenance tasks every so often can help your console live for longer. At least, now that the red ring of death isn't the norm for the old Microsoft consoles.

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