Oculus Quest Unknown Sources: How To Allow Content From Unknown Sources

Person putting on a Quest headset
Credit: Meta

Person putting on a Quest headset
Credit: Meta

Depending on what content you are trying to install, you may find that you encounter Oculus Quest unknown sources. This is particularly true if you are trying to obtain content that isn't in the Oculus/Meta store.

If it isn't in the store, that means the content hasn't been reviewed, so Oculus/Meta can't verify it for security, content, comfort or safety. But you probably already knew that was going to be the case.

What you may be less sure of, is how to allow content from an unknown source. You may already know what you want to install, but how do you actually do it? We'll explain it all, below.

And as an added bonus, we'll also explain what might be going on if you've found your unknown sources tab has just disappeared. Let's get into it!

How To Allow Content From Unknown Sources

Assuming the developers have created content that is compatible with your Quest headset, you will be able to run it. But first, you will need to allow content from unknown sources. The process is relatively simple:

  • Open the Oculus app on your PC.
  • Select Settings in the left menu.
  • Select the General tab.
  • Next to Unknown Sources, adjust the toggle and then confirm to allow content from unknown sources.

At this stage, you can download and run any compatible software, even if it hasn't come from the Quest store. You'll then probably want to use something like SideQuest to help install it. But as we stated above, if you are sideloading content, it means it hasn't been approved by Meta. So even if it looks fine, it still has the potential to be malicious.

Meta themselves state that content that doesn't appear in the Oculus Store hasn't been reviewed by Oculus for one of the following reasons:

  • Security
  • Comfort
  • Content
  • Health and Safety

But what if you already had unknown sources, and you've discovered that the unknown sources section has just disappeared? We have an answer for that as well.

Oculus Quest Unknown Sources Missing

Did your Oculus Quest Unknown Sources menu just disappear?

Well, this all relates to a change in the Quest developer policy, which actually came into effect way back through the mists of time, in September 2020. Essentially, anyone who wanted to access developer content was required to provide authentication.

Developer Mode is used by developers for creating games and testing content. For everyone else, it's where you go to find games or other content that has come from an "unknown source".

Whether you're a developer, or a fan of sideloading games, in order to bring back your disappeared unknown sources folder, you need to authenticate your developer account. To do this:

  • Go to https://developer.oculus.com/manage/verify
  • When prompted, log in with your Oculus Developer account. You will have created this when you first started sideloading content onto your Quest headset.
  • Verify your account using one of the two following options:
    • Confirm your mobile number via SMS two-factor verification
    • Add a payment method to your account

Of course, you don't have to do this. Unless you want to be able to access developer mode. And at the time of writing, that remains the only way to access sideloaded content.

So if you want to keep enjoying all the non-store content you've acquired, you will have to bite the bullet and verify your account.