How to activate AMD Radeon graphics card in Windows 10

how to amd radeon graphics card the amd logo

how to amd radeon graphics card the amd logo

If your AMD Radeon is not your graphics card by default, then you have to activate it. But to do that, you need to know How to activate AMD Radeon graphics card in Windows 10 to do so.

Your default GPU will normally be your internal GPU, meaning it is the graphics card which came with your device (a laptop or a pre-made CPU for PC).

But if you want to switch and use an external GPU, and in this case the AMD Radeon, then you have to follow some steps to set it as your default graphics card.

Find out How to activate AMD Radeon graphics card in Windows 10 below.

Search for the Switchable Graphics option modes for your AMD Radeon GPU

You can use your external AMD Radeon graphics card by enabling the Switchable Graphics option.

Just right click on your Desktop and select the AMD Radeon settings on the menu that will appear.

Choose the System option and you can find the Switchable Graphics option on it. Click it, and it will show the different Switchable Graphics modes which you can use.

It lists the options as Power Saving, High Performance, and Based on Power Source.

READ MORE: AMD Radeon explained: What are AMD Radeon graphics, and how do you get them?

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Switch from your internal GPU to your external AMD Radeon graphics card by using Switchable Graphics

Now if you already found the different Switchable Graphics modes, it's time to apply them on your PC or laptop applications and programs.

As seen on the AMD community page, you need to go to the AMD Radeon settings by right-clicking on your desktop.

Go again to the System and click the Switchable Graphics option. Then select the Running Applications option and choose the Installed Profile Applications for the list of all the applications inclined with your current graphics card.

READ MORE: How do I update my AMD Radeon drivers? Here's what you need to do

That's everything you need to know about AMD Radeon graphics on WIndows 10.