How do you eject a disc from the Xbox Series X console?

The Xbox Series X is here and you might want to use discs with it, but how do you get a disc out after you've inserted it?

Fair enough if you decided to Google this before trying to remove a DVD, BluRay, CD or game disc from your console - you never want to take a risk when there's a disc involved!

Keep on reading for the answer you seek...

How to eject a disc from Xbox Series X

This is a pretty simple one, so we'll cut straight to the point: if you want to eject a disc, simply press the little round button just next to the disc port!

The console should make a bit of noise before spitting out the disc. Then it's up to you to remove the disc with your hand and carefully put it back in its case.

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What else do I need to know about using discs on the Xbox Series X?

If you previously owned an Xbox One, Xbox 360 or original Xbox, you'll be glad to know that all those old discs will work just fine on Xbox Series X.

The Xbox Series X can also play DVDs, CDs and BluRays, but you might need to install a free piece of software called 'BluRay Player' if you want to do that. Your console will prompt you if you need this, though, and it only takes a minute or so to download - if your internet is decent!

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