Household Robots are inevitable, but Japanese citizens want them the most

We’ve seen numerous experts talk about how household robots are an inevitability, and many are excited for that future. However, no country is more excited about that possible development than Japan, which is planning robotic lifestyles for every household.

It’s no secret that Japan has always had an interesting relationship with robotics, from automaton butlers to construction mechs. As such, it’s no surprise that Japan will seemingly household versions before other countries.

Why Japan is more accepting of household robots

According to Big Think, the Japanese government set up a plan where every household will have household robots by 2025. This plan will supposedly entail “safe, comfortable, and convenient living” with robots, seemingly unafraid of a possible Terminator-like future.

However, any enthusiast of Japanese culture can tell you that the country has always liked robotics and technology in general. This is due to the Shinto religion, which claims that inanimate objects can gain sentient things like beliefs or emotions.

“Shinto, the native animistic beliefs about life and death, holds that vital energies, deities, forces, or essences called kami are present in both organic and inorganic matter and in naturally occurring and manufactured entities alike. Whether in trees, animals, mountains, or robots, these kami (forces) can be mobilized,” says Jennifer Robertson, a scholar on Japanese culture.

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Humanoid robots are already a thing in Japan

Robotics are a major part of Japan, which is likely why household robots won’t be a big deal when released. Any otaku will tell you that there are already humanoid robots available for purchase, some of which are already helping out.

Pepper, a child-like robot available for $2000, can recognize the emotions of any nearby humans and can adjust to moods. During the height of COVID-19, Pepper was able to help out patients who were in the hospital.

Overall, we wouldn’t be surprised if Japan ends up with some of the better household robots. Hopefully, their automatons don’t go full Matrix and attempt to enslave humanity.

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