How to fix Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug

Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug wizard casting spell

Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug wizard casting spell

There are plenty of things to do in the school of Hogwarts, but, sometimes, there are also several issues. Players have reported bugs with quests such as the Helm of Urtkot and even blue characters. In this guide, we'll tackle the Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug.

The game allows us to create a custom character and send them off to school to learn spells and even join Slytherin, there are definitely many things to do in the open-world game.

So, if you've been having issues with the Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug, let's look at how to fix it.

How to fix the Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug

This issue prevents you from completing this quest and it may happen for several reasons. If you do not want to wait for the developers to fix it, you can do so yourself even though it involves messing around with save files. Follow these steps:

  • Locate your save files on your PC (they should be in "\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames";
  • Backup everything inside the folder;
  • Download the save file editor from Nexus;
  • Open it up and load the save file you want to modify;
  • Open the Save file and click "Download Database" files;
  • Now you will have a .sql file you need to modify with an editor (for example Sqlite browser, which is free);
  • Open the "sqldb1.sqlite" file in the editor, click the tab "browse data" and find the LocksDynamic Table: LocksDynamic;
  • Filter the data by "named" and sort by LockID;
  • Now select and delete all (or one) the fields that start with "INT_KILL_Named"
  • Click "Write changes";
  • Upload both the sqldb1 and sqldb2 files into the save editor and generate a save file form then click "custom db upload";
  • Rename the file as "HL-00-00.sav" and copy it in your game save files folder.

This should allow you to be able to kill the foes again and complete the game fully.

What is the Hogwarts Legacy infamous foes bug?

This bug happens while trying to kill all of the monsters in the "infamous foes" quest, but something happens that prevents us from completing the quest. It might be a monster that is not spawning anymore or perhaps one that has killed itself in some strange way and the game is not counting it as being killed.

The savefile fix allows you to try and kill a monster again (or all of them) so you can complete the quest.