Hogwarts Legacy blue characters - how to fix the blue character bug

Hogwarts Legacy blue characters - how to fix the blue character bug
Credit: WB Games

Hogwarts Legacy blue characters - how to fix the blue character bug
Credit: WB Games

If you are hit by the Hogwarts Legacy blue characters bug, we have a proven solution for you.

Hogwarts Legacy, the highly anticipated RPG set in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, has been making waves since its early access release. However, players have encountered a frustrating issue with blue characters, detracting from the otherwise immersive gameplay experience.

In this article, we'll delve into the causes of this bug and offer solutions to help fix it, so that players can fully enjoy their journey through Hogwarts and the wizarding world.

How to fix Hogwarts Legacy blue characters

The Hogwarts Legacy character colour bug, which causes characters to appear with an unnatural blue hue, has left players frustrated and disappointed.

If you are an Avatar fan, you can keep the characters blue. Otherwise, you can fix that blue characters bug by meddling with the in-game contrast settings - as this Reddit user suggested. Let us show you how.

To fix the Hogwarts Legacy blue characters:

  • Go to Settings
  • Select Accessibility Options
  • Set High Contrast Gameplay to ‘Off’

After disabling High Contrast Gameplay, all the characters should return to their normal appearance. Switching between different Hogwarts Legacy graphics modes can also be a potential fix. But it is not guaranteed.

What causes the Hogwarts Legacy blue character bug?

The Hogwarts Legacy blue character bug turns all the characters in the game blue after the cut scenes, while the surroundings turn grey. Xbox seems to be the more likely platform to experience this glitch, though other platforms may also be affected.

The exact cause of the bug is not publicly known, as the developers have not officially commented on it. However, based on various reports from players and online forums, it is believed to be related to graphics rendering.

Apparently, Hogwarts Legacy blue character bug isn't the only problem plaguing the players. Some users have reported Hogwarts Legacy stuttering in some places and even crashing during gameplay.

We hope the developers will fix these issues with the day 1 patch.

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