Hogwarts Legacy black screen on launch after seizure warning - how to fix and get back in the game

Hogwarts Legacy black screen on launch after seizure warning - how to fix and get back in the game
Credit: WB Games

Hogwarts Legacy black screen on launch after seizure warning - how to fix and get back in the game
Credit: WB Games

If you are reading this, chances are you have encountered the unsightly Hogwarts Legacy black screen on launch after the seizure warning.

While many Harry Potter fans are flying around on their brooms with excitement over the latest Hogwarts Legacy DLC rumours, some players are experiencing issues with the game, such as crashing, stuttering and a black screen on launch or after the seizure warning.

In this guide, we'll delve into the causes of the black screen and provide solutions to help you overcome them and get back to casting spells and doing side quests at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

How to fix Hogwarts Legacy black screen on launch after seizure warning

Many players reported that the Hogwarts Legacy black screen would go away automatically after 3-5 minutes and they would be back in the game after waiting for a while. However, this is not an ideal solution as you will be forced to wait a while before you can play.

So, here are some tips to permanently fix the Hogwarts Legacy black screen on launch after the seizure warning:

  • Go to %AppData%\..\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and open the gameusersettings.ini file with Notepad. Add the following code at the bottom of the file:
    r.ShaderPipelineCache.Enabled = 0
  • Roll back to the previous version of your graphics driver.
  • Alt+Tab out of the game window, wait a few moments then try going back into it.
  • Try disabling your antivirus/firewall and terminate all the running applications as well as overlays, and see if it makes any difference.

Hopefully, one of our suggestions will resolve the issue and you will be back exploring the magical world of Harry Potter in no time. With a little bit of patience and persistence, you can overcome the black screen issue and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Hogwarts Legacy.

What is causing Hogwarts Legacy black screen?

There could be several reasons why players are encountering the black screen issue on launch or after the seizure warning in Hogwarts Legacy.

One possible cause is incompatible graphics drivers, which can prevent the game from running smoothly. Another possible cause could be conflicts with other software or hardware on your system, such as antivirus programs or overclocked components.

According to many players, they started getting a black screen after updating their graphics driver to the latest version. It is possible that the current version of Hogwarts Legacy is incompatible with the latest version of your graphics driver, hence the black screen issue.

So ideally, rolling back to the previous driver version should solve the Hogwarts Legacy black screen. You can update to the latest version once the Nvidia/AMD or the Hogwarts Legacy team address this issue and release a patch.