How to fix Helldivers 2 "Failed to connect to server" error

Helldivers 2 "Failed to connect to server" - An image of four character from the game standing with guns in hand

Helldivers 2 "Failed to connect to server" - An image of four character from the game standing with guns in hand

If you're facing the frustrating "Failed to connect to server" error in Helldivers 2 when attempting to access the game, worry not. We have discovered a proven solution to this connection error that will assist you in resolving it.

The "Failed to connect to server" error indicates a connectivity problem that can arise from server-related complications or from issues pertaining to your own network and its configuration. Fortunately, it is easier to resolve compared to other Helldivers 2 issues, such as quickplay not working or SOS not working.

In this guide, we'll present a solution that has been validated by several Reddit users, accompanied by fundamental troubleshooting strategies to rectify the connection error. While you are here, make sure you check out how to play Helldivers 2 on Steam Deck.

How to fix the "Failed to connect to server" error in Helldivers 2

To fix the "Failed to connect to server" error in Helldivers 2, repeatedly press the X button if you are using a PS5, or any key if you are on a PC. Many players on Reddit have confirmed that this little trick helped them resolve the connection error.

One Reddit user shared, "I just spammed X and after one minute it let me in." You might not need to do it for a whole minute, as the user might be approximating the duration. Attempting this method for 15 to 30 seconds should be enough.

In case this trick doesn't help, the game servers might be down or too busy. If so, the best thing to do is wait until the servers are fixed and working well again. Meanwhile, checking the game's official Twitter page for updates can keep you informed on the status.

If the servers are operating normally and you're still facing the issue, the problem might lie with your own setup. Start with basic troubleshooting steps, such as changing your DNS server settings and temporarily disabling your antivirus/firewall software.

That covers everything about the "Failed to connect to server" error in Helldivers 2. Hope you found our guide helpful. Before you head off, make sure you explore our other helpful guides on the matchmaking not working and multiplayer not working issues in Helldivers 2.