Hamster Mr Goxx has been trading cryptocurrency better than humans

While the human crypto-bros are still reeling from the effects of China's crypto lockdown, other mammals aren't. In fact, a German hamster called Mr. Goxx has been outperforming human crypto traders for months.

Mr. Goxx trades crypto via hamster wheel

Much like a monkey with a typewriter writing novels, hamster Mr. Goxx has been trading crypto since June, 2021. Reported by Insider, the rodent has been outperforming the S&P 500 through its clever trading.

Inside the hamster’s cage, an office extension called a Goxx Box houses its trading area. Inside the office, Goxx runs on his hamster wheel to select a cryptocurrency to trade. Upon selection, the hamster runs through one of two “decision tunnels” to buy or sell the selected currency.

Every trade the hamster makes is livestreamed on his Twitch channel. The livestreams track how much the hamster has traded, his portfolio and the return on investment. Streams range in length from around three hours to six hours.

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Luck of the wheel

Mr Goxx has been incredibly lucky during his trades. Starting with a portfolio worth $390, the hamster has been making substantial gains. At the time of writing, the hamster can only buy and sell in increments of €20. This could possibly be the reason behind the project’s success. However, the hamster will be allowed to let the hamster pick buy and sell amounts in the future.

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The hamster has currently made a profit of €77. Insider reports that Mr Goxx’s portfolio reached a high of $580 in September. However, recent events have caused the price of many tokens to go into freefall.

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