Github and OpenAI's Copilot can automatically generate working code

Microsoft is looking towards the future with their AI-powered Copilot feature for Github and OpenAI. Housed inside the Visual Studio Code editor UI, the clever code-bot will help developers by automatically completing snippets of code.

How does Github's Copilot work?

According to GitHub CEO Nat Friedman, Copilot isn't simply reliant on a user’s previous code strings. Instead, the AI tool constantly analyses the user's written code to generate matching continuations.

The tool can suggest entire lines of code based on prior context as well as create entirely new functions based around your work. Github says Copilot will constantly adapt to code as it's written to provide accurate conclusions to ongoing issues. Essentially, the tool is aiming to be the future of pair programming, albeit with only one human.

Friedman explains:  

“It helps you quickly discover alternative ways to solve problems, write tests, and explore new APIs without having to tediously tailor a search for answers on the internet. As you type, it adapts to the way you write code—to help you complete your work faster.”
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What programming languages can it use?

Friedman explains that Copilot currently works best with a small selection of programming languages. At the time of writing, the feature is compatible with Python, JavaScript, Typescript, Ruby and Go.

Of course, the current form of this AI tool is currently in a technical preview state. Friedman explains that the tool does work “with a broad set of frameworks and languages". However, the current description doesn't list widely used languages like C++. Seeing as the tool is AI based, it will likely expand in compatibility in the future.  

Github's Copilot feature is currently in technical preview. However, spots for the preview are very limited. Find out more here.

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