How to fix ChatGPT "Too many signups from the same IP" error

ChatGPT too many signups from the same IP - how to fix account access issue

ChatGPT too many signups from the same IP - how to fix account access issue

If you are getting the ChatGPT “Too many signups from the same IP” error message while trying to create an account, we can help.

Like any online service, ChatGPT is not immune to technical issues. From the network error to error code 1020 to the global rate limit exceeded error, numerous difficulties may arise when using the chatbot service.

In this guide, we'll discuss the common causes of the ChatGPT access issue and provide some solutions that may work for your needs. But, before that, you might want to explore the best ChatGPT alternatives.

How to fix the ChatGPT "Too many signups from the same IP" error

To fix try ChatGPT "Too many signups from the same IP" error, all you need to do is change your IP address. The best way to change your IP address is to sign up on a different device, such as your mobile, and then log into that account on your computer.

If you are using a dynamic IP address, you may be able to obtain a new IP address by resetting your modem or router. Alternatively, you could try connecting to a different network or using a VPN to change your IP address (see best VPN 2024).

Or you can just wait. Once the specified period has elapsed, you should be able to create an account. Although the exact duration of this waiting period isn't specified, it's generally advisable to wait for an hour or two before trying again.

What does the ChatGPT “Too many signups from the same IP” error mean?

The message "Too many signups from the same IP" on ChatGPT means that, within a short period, more requests to create accounts have been made from a single IP address than the platform allows.

OpenAI has set a limit on the number of account creation attempts or sign-up requests that can be made from a single IP address within a certain timeframe to prevent abuse or other malicious activities.

That covers everything about the ChatGPT “Too many signups from the same IP” error. While you are here, explore our guides on the "at capacity" issue and the "Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later" error.