The launch of Battlefield 2042 has not been without a few problems. So much so, that right now it sits as one of the ten worst-rated games on Steam. Errors are a large part of the reason for the negative reception, and the problem we'll look at today is a big contributor. Lots of gamers have been encountering Battlefield 2042 Error Code 15-7A: Unable To Load Persistence Data. But what exactly is this problem, and what can be done about it? Read on for answers.
How To Fix Battlefield 2042 Error Code 15-7A
If you're on the receiving end of Battlefield 2042 Error Code 15-7A, there are a few steps worth trying in an effort to overcome it. On December 2nd, @Battlefield Comm acknowledged the existence of the error. They have confirmed that theya re working hard on a fix. But in the meantime, they suggest trying the following:
We're on it, for now you can hit Retry and attempt to join a server
So basically, keep trying until you manage to access the game. But here are some other suggestions that may be worth trying as well, just in case they are contributing to the problem.
Other Possible Fixes
- Start by checking the server status of the game. If the servers are experiencing an issue, wait until this is resolved before you try again later.
- If there is a server problem, you could try using a VPN to connect with a server in a different location. Or, if you already use a VPN, try switching it off, to see if this makes any difference.
- Try restarting whatever device you are playing on, and relaunch the game.
- Make sure your internet connection is working properly. If you are using WiFi, try switching to a wired connection. Restart your router, and minimise the number of apps and devices that are competing for bandwidth.
- Give the game administrator privileges. This seems to have worked for a number of players.
- Make sure you don't have an Antivirus or Firewall blocking the game.
- Disable Crossplay.
- Finally, verify the integrity of the game files. To do this:
- Restart your computer and launch Steam
- Next, you can either right click the game in your Library, or click the gear icon from the game's Library page on the far right
- From the drop down menu, select Properties...
- Select the Local Files tab and click the Verify integrity of game files... button
- This process takes several minutes.
- If you use Origin, simply right-click on the game, and click Repair
If all else fails, try contacting EA for further support, either via their support website or through Twitter @EAHelp. But what is the Persistence Data Error?
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What is the Unable To Load Persistence Data Error?
This particular error is happening across all platforms, but does seem to be slightly more prevalent on consoles. When players are hit with this error, it prevents them from accessing the game servers, meaning that they are unable to play the game.
The official Twitter account has confirmed that the Persistence Data Error is "a connection issue on our side". Which helps as an explanation, but does little to assuage players who are still suffering from the problem. Initially, it seemed as though this problem was becoming a little less commmon as traffic on the servers had passed the post-launch peak. But update three seems to have made things worse again.
Unfortunately, with it being an issue on their end, it means many of our fixes are potentially less likely to help. That being said, if you are really suffering from this issue, then making sure that your connection is as stable as possible, is never a bad thing. And we can hope that a hot fix isn't far away.
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