Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis is yet another scummy gacha game that wants your money but that hasn’t deterred hardcore FF fans at all. Despite most gamers hating these business practices, Ever Crisis has already surpassed 2 million downloads and the app just launched.
The official Ever Crisis Twitter (translated by Gematsu) thanked fans for 2 million downloads already. As a way to say thanks, various in-game rewards were also given as a token of appreciation, which is a decent gesture.
While these gifts are nice, this is still a gacha game that wants to bleed its players dry. Opening up the menu immediately leads to various items, costumes, and characters you can get by spending money.
It’s a shame really since Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis has the potential to be an all-in-one retelling of the entire FF7 saga. The app has a retelling of the original Final Fantasy 7’s story up to Midgar, just like the remake, and even includes a new story about young Sephiroth. Retellings of Crisis Core, Before Crisis, and Advent Children have also been promised.

Gamers who also miss the turn-based combat will be happy to know that Ever Crisis uses that battle system. Considering how some fans lambasted Final Fantasy 16 for its real-time battles, this might be the game for them.
Only time will tell if Square Enix will keep this mobile game alive or if it will discontinue the app once the player base is down. Square Enix canceled a number of their mobile apps recently, including Final Fantasy 7: First Soldier, Echoes of Mana, and Star Ocean: Anemnesis.
Even if their mobile efforts fail them, Square Enix always has the console market to rely on. Recently, the company celebrated its Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection selling 3 million copies.
Read More: Final Fantasy fans argue 15 is somehow better than 16
Curious fans can download Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis now on iOS and Android. Keep in mind that this is a gacha game, so you will be tempted to spend money.