FIFA 22 DirectX Error - How To Fix Crashing On PC Issue

If FIFA 22 keeps crashing on your PC, you may be suffering from a FIFA 22 DirectX Error. And We've made this handy guide to help you out.

Even months after the FIFA 22 launch, players are still experiencing plenty of issues. Whether it's the DirectX Error, FIFA 22 crashing, or the frustrating FIFA 22 SBC error, these issues will likely remain until FIFA 23, and may even transfer over to that game, too.

So today, we'll take a look at what this error is, and what you might be able to do about it. We know DirectX is a vital piece of software for running numerous games on PC, and has done so with great success for many, many years. But what is it that is going wrong with FIFA 22? Let's find out. Here's what we know about the FIFA 22 DirectX Error.

How To Fix Fifa 22 DirectX Error

If you have had the experience of a FIFA 22 DirectX Error, then EA recommends you start by updating or reinstalling your video drivers. We'd recommend making sure that all your software is fully updated. In many cases, this will resolve the issue. But just in case this doesn't work, there are some further steps you can try:

  • Disable any third-party software you may have running alongside the game. Programs like Discord, RGB, or MSI Afterburner, or even overlays like GeForce Experience, Steam, or Origins.
  • Don't overclock your GPU. While in theory overclocking can improve performance, it can also damage your graphics card. On the flip side, check that your GPU meets the minimum specifications for the game.
  • Given that this error seems tied to DirectX, make sure that DirectX is fully up to date on your computer. Also check that there are no there pending updates, for example with your GPU. If you have an AMD graphics card, check here. For Intel, go here. And for GeForce, go here.
  • Turn on Vsync, if you don't already have it on.
  • Perform a clean boot of your computer, before trying to play FIFA 22.

If none of these fixes works, then reach out to EA for further help and advice. You can contact them on Twitter @EAHelp or send them a message through their support website.

Read More:FIFA 22 Download Error: How To Fix FIFA 22 Slow Download Or Not Downloading Issues

What is the FIFA 22 DirectX Error?

While lots of players have been experiencing crashes on the game at startup, the DirectX error is slightly different. In this particular case, the game can crash at almost any moment, with little warning. You may be at the climax of an epic match, only to find yourself thrown out of the game.

This DirectX error will normally be accompanied by a message which references "DirectX function", or "DXGI_Error". The randomness of the crashes makes specific causes difficult to pin down, but we know this was an issue that also affected players on FIFA 21. The solutions we've outlined above are your best options for fixing the FIFA 22 DirectX Error.