Fans are dreading Mortal Kombat 1 on Nintendo Switch

fans are dreading mortal kombat 1 on nintendo switch

fans are dreading mortal kombat 1 on nintendo switch

Mortal Kombat 1 is coming to the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC this September, but it’s shockingly also coming to Nintendo Switch. While the Switch is capable of putting out some beautiful games, the console’s port of Mortal Kombat 11 left a lot to be desired.

Once it was revealed that the game was coming to Switch, many wondered if this would be a cloud game or a rough port. Although we’ve only seen cinematics for the game thus far, the visuals are expected to far exceed to its predecessor Mortal Kombat 11.

Social media hasn’t been too kind to Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch, with many fans making joke posts about how blurry the game will be. Considering how Mortal Kombat 11 already looked like a pixelated mess on Switch, we don’t exactly blame fans for this.

With all that being said, there is some morbid curiosity about how ugly the game will be on Switch. There are fans who bought The Witcher 3 on Switch just because it’s blurrier than the PS4 and Xbox One versions. Other fans also enjoy how different it will be for historical purposes.

Despite us being fairly mean, there’s a good chance that Mortal Kombat 1 will at least play well on Switch. As ugly as Mortal Kombat 11 was on the handheld system, the gameplay was still fairly decent. Even the aforementioned Witcher 3 plays fine on Switch and that’s really what’s going to matter in the end.

Gameplay is king but it would be nice if the developers weren’t being held back by this system. Though this writer loves the Switch, there’s no denying that a hardware upgrade would be very much appreciated by the masses. It seems like our wish will be coming true next year and we hope that means ports like these won’t be compromised anymore.

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Mortal Kombat 1 is coming to PS5, Xbox Series, PC, and, yes, the Nintendo Switch on September 19. Not having a PS4 version is pretty odd, especially since Street Fighter 6 will be getting one next month.